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Comment choisir la bonne optique de vision nocturne et d'imagerie thermique ?
In General Discussions
Mar 10, 2025
Lorsqu'il s'agit de chasse de nuit ou d'observation en basse lumière, ATN, fabricant et développeur de vision nocturne de précision et d'optiques thermiques, entre en scène. Si vous vous êtes déjà demandé à quoi cela ressemblerait de voir dans le noir aussi clairement que pendant la journée, ATN est là pour vous offrir cette opportunité. Visiter la page ATN est fier d'offrir la plus grande sélection d'optiques pour faible luminosité. Et si vous pensez que ces technologies sont uniquement destinées aux services spéciaux ou à l'armée, nous nous empressons de vous surprendre : elles sont adaptées aux besoins d'une large gamme de clients, dont les chasseurs et amateurs de plein air en France. Qu'est-ce qui rend les produits ATN si spéciaux ? Tout d’abord, il y a leurs incroyables jumelles et lunettes de chasse. Ces appareils n’agrandissent pas seulement les images : ils ouvrent un tout nouveau monde dans l’obscurité. Imaginez-vous au milieu d'une forêt la nuit et soudain une scène s'ouvre devant vous que vous ne pouviez qu'imaginer auparavant. Mais ce n’est pas tout ! Les optiques ATN Smart HD sont équipées des microprocesseurs les plus récents et utilisent des micro-écrans haute résolution. Cela signifie que chaque pas que vous faites sera accompagné d’une image claire et lumineuse. Et une variété de capteurs et de fonctions rendent l'utilisation de ces appareils non seulement pratique, mais aussi amusante. La chose la plus intéressante est la possibilité de se connecter à vos gadgets. Connectez vos appareils à votre tablette ou téléphone avec les applications iPhone/Android d'ATN. Vous pourrez non seulement voir ce que vous avez manqué auparavant, mais aussi partager ces impressions avec des amis ou des collègues. Dans le monde de l’optique de vision nocturne et de la technologie d’imagerie thermique, ATN est un leader reconnu en matière d’innovation et d’attention aux détails. Si vous souhaitez découvrir la véritable magie de l'optique moderne - que ce soit pour la chasse ou simplement pour le plaisir - ATN sera votre guide fiable dans le monde des ténèbres.
Ako si vybrať správnu termovíznu optiku?
In General Discussions
Feb 15, 2025
Ahojte, adrenalínoví nadšenci a všetci tí, ktorí niečo vedia o dobrodružstve! Dnes hovoríme o spoločnosti, ktorá mení noc na deň a robí neviditeľné viditeľným – zoznámte sa s ATN, majstrami v presnej optike nočného videnia a termovíznej technológii. Ak si myslíte, že je to len ďalšia spoločnosť na trhu, pripravte sa na prekvapenie! Navštívte stránku čo je ATN? ATN je viac ako len trojpísmenová skratka. To je American Technologies Network Corp., spoločnosť, ktorá je už dlho synonymom inovácií vo svete optických technológií. Vytvárajú veci, vďaka ktorým sa budete cítiť ako skutočný superhrdina. Chcete vidieť cez tmu? Prosím! Snívate o tom, že uvidíte detaily pri nulových svetelných podmienkach? Jednoducho! Prečo ATN? No v prvom rade má najväčší výber optiky pre použitie v zlých svetelných podmienkach. Ďalekohľady, poľovnícke ďalekohľady, termokamery – to všetko majú vo svojom arzenáli. Najúžasnejšia vec je však ich technológia Smart HD. Predstavte si: špičkové mikroprocesory, mikrodispleje s vysokým rozlíšením a množstvo senzorov a funkcií. Je to ako smartfón na steroidoch, ale pre vaše oči. Inteligentné funkcie pre šikovných používateľov Inteligentná optika od ATN nie je len o „pozeraní“, ale o skutočnom „videní“. Pripojte svoje zariadenia k tabletu alebo telefónu prostredníctvom aplikácií pre iPhone/Android a užite si plnú kontrolu nad situáciou. Prečo potrebujete Hubblov teleskop, keď máte takýto nástroj na dosah ruky? Pre koho je to určené? ATN navrhuje svoje produkty tak, aby vyhovovali potrebám širokého spektra používateľov. Lovci? Určite! S týmito ďalekohľadmi vám vaša korisť neunikne ani v najtemnejšej noci. Milujete pozorovanie prírody? Budete môcť vidieť veci, ktoré ste si predtým nevšimli, dokonca aj počas dňa! Alebo ste odborník na bezpečnosť? Potom sa tieto technológie stanú vaším spoľahlivým pomocníkom. Záver Celkovo vzaté, ak chcete do svojho života pridať trochu kúzla alebo jednoducho hľadáte kvalitnú optiku podľa svojich potrieb, ATN je tu, aby vám pomohla. Zviditeľňujú neviditeľné a menia obyčajné noci na nezabudnuteľné dobrodružstvá. Tak smelo do toho a objavte svet za temnotou s ATN!
Kako odabrati pravu termovizijsku optiku za kupnju?
In General Discussions
Feb 14, 2025
Kada je riječ o optici koja noć može učiniti jasnijom od dana, naziv ATN odmah pada na pamet. Ovaj proizvođač precizne optike za noćno gledanje i tehnologije termalne slike zna kako mračno doba dana pretvoriti u vašu avanturu. Idi na stranicu Što je ATN? ATN (American Technologies Network) je tvrtka koja je već dugi niz godina pionir u razvoju i proizvodnji optičkih uređaja za korištenje u uvjetima slabog osvjetljenja. Ako ste ikada sanjali da kroz tamu možete vidjeti što jasnije možete na dnevnom svjetlu, onda je ATN vaša karta za taj svijet. Zašto ATN? ATN nudi najveći izbor opreme za noćno gledanje i termoviziju. Bilo da ste lovac, planinar ili samo ljubitelj prirode, oni imaju nešto baš za vas. Od dalekozora do lovačkih nišana, svaki je proizvod dizajniran imajući na umu specifične potrebe svojih korisnika. Ali nije samo raznolikost ono što ATN čini posebnim. Njihovi proizvodi opremljeni su Smart HD tehnologijom koja vam omogućuje korištenje najnovijih mikroprocesora i mikrozaslona visoke rezolucije. Ovi uređaji doslovno su prepuni senzora i funkcija koje će vaše promatranje okolnog svijeta učiniti što ugodnijim i informativnijim. Pametna optika za pametne ljude Jedna od glavnih prednosti ATN proizvoda je mogućnost integracije s vašim gadgetima. Da, da, dobro ste čuli! Povežite svoje uređaje s pametnim telefonom ili tabletom putem iPhone/Android aplikacija i uronite u svijet visoke tehnologije. Sada možete podijeliti ono što vidite s prijateljima ili sačuvati uspomene za sebe - sve jednim pritiskom na gumb. Primjena u stvarnom životu Zamislite: otišli ste u noćni lov ili ste odlučili provesti večer pod zvijezdama negdje u šumi. Uz ATN-ove uređaje nećete morati pogađati što se nalazi iza drveća ili gdje se skriva vaš plijen. Sve ćete moći vidjeti vlastitim očima – jasno i jasno. Ili vas možda zanima astronomija? Uz ATN-ove uređaje za noćno gledanje, zvijezde će biti bliže nego ikada. U svijetu optike ATN zauzima posebno mjesto zbog svog inovativnog pristupa i predanosti zadovoljenju potreba i najzahtjevnijih kupaca. Dakle, ako tražite tehnologiju koja će vam omogućiti da vidite dalje od normalnog ljudskog oka, ATN je vaš idealan suputnik na ovom putovanju. Bilo da je noć ili dan, uz ATN uvijek ćete imati nove horizonte otvorene!
How human harmony works
In General Discussions
Dec 29, 2024
What is harmony? Harmony is a state of internal and external balance, when all elements of life are in perfect harmony with each other. It is a state of peace of mind, when a person feels in harmony with himself and the world around him. The film emphasizes the importance of harmony as a fundamental principle of being, which allows a person to achieve true happiness and well-being. The mechanism of harmony through the prism of the brain One of the key themes of the film is the analysis of the structure of the hemispheres of the human brain. Unlike other mammals, the human brain has a unique ability to synchronize the work of the left and right hemispheres. The left hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking and analytical abilities, while the right is associated with intuition and creativity. Harmonious interaction of these hemispheres creates conditions for the development of such virtues as love, faith, wisdom and hope. The film explains in detail how to stimulate the development of these virtues. For example, the practice of meditation or regular creative activities can activate the right hemisphere, while learning new knowledge or solving complex problems develops the left. The balance between these types of activity contributes to the emergence of inner harmony. Man is an intelligent being of the universe The film also examines the idea that man is the only intelligent being in the universe, created by God to understand and apply the laws of harmony. This concept is supported by references to the Bible, in particular to the Revelation of John the Theologian (chapter 7, verses 1 and 2). These sacred texts are considered a model for the harmonious existence and development of mankind. According to the film, understanding the laws of harmony can lead to the salvation of not only the entire human race, but also our entire universe. This implies the responsibility of each person for their actions and their impact on the world around them. Conclusion The YouTube film about the philosophy of harmony is not just educational content; it is an invitation to reflect on the deepest aspects of our existence. It inspires viewers to seek balance in life and use the unique capabilities of the human mind to achieve global harmony. Perhaps it is through understanding these principles that we can create a more just and peaceful world for all inhabitants of our planet.
Augmented Reality for Entrepreneurs and Artists
In General Discussions
Dec 20, 2024
Have you ever wondered how great it would be to bring your photos or art projects to life? Imagine your favorite painting suddenly starting to move, or a photo from your last party turning into a short video! It sounds like magic, but it’s already a reality with the new augmented reality platform Stories AR Stories AR is not just a platform. It’s a real breakthrough for photographers and artists who dream of taking their work to a new level of interaction with the viewer. And you don’t need to be a tech guru to get started — just three simple steps are enough! So how does it work? It’s simple: take your photo or video, upload it to Stories PRO — and voila! The platform will create a QR code or link that can be easily scanned with a smartphone camera. Now your images literally come to life before the viewer’s eyes. And here’s where the fun begins. Entrepreneurs can integrate augmented reality into their projects and significantly increase their profits. Imagine a gallery where paintings don’t just hang on the walls, but tell their story through movement and sound! Your customers will be impressed by such a unique experience. AR photos are the tool of the future for the photography and art industry. They add depth and interactivity to works that previously seemed static. With Stories AR, you can bring paintings to life in your home or gallery and turn a visit to an exhibition into an unforgettable adventure. The best part? You can try all these wonders completely free! Stories AR offers a free trial so you can see for yourself all the benefits of this innovative approach to art. So grab your cameras (and smartphone cameras), upload your masterpieces to Stories PRO and get ready to amaze the world with your augmented reality projects! The time to bring your creativity to life has come!
Photography and Videography Services for Retailers in Canada
In General Discussions
Sep 16, 2024
In the world of modern advertising and marketing, high-quality content that can attract the attention of the target audience and highlight the unique features of the product is becoming a key element. In this case, product photography and video shooting are especially important, which allows you to convey to the consumer all the advantages of a product or service. This is where the StylePhotos studio from Canada takes its rightful place, offering clients unlimited creative possibilities and the highest level of professionalism. The main principle of the StylePhotos studio is the desire for constant improvement and expansion of the boundaries of what is possible in the field of product photography and video shooting. Thanks to the use of the most modern equipment and advanced technologies, the studio's specialists are ready to satisfy even the highest production needs of clients. One of the key successes of StylePhotos is the trust of the largest Canadian retailers, such as Canadian Tire, Mark's, Hockey Life and Puma Canada. Thanks to the high quality of work and professionalism of the studio's team, these companies choose StylePhotos as a leading supplier of high-quality content for their advertising campaigns. The results of cooperation with brands of this level can be seen in the studio's portfolio on its website. On the StylePhotos website, each client will find a detailed description of photo and video shooting services for advertising purposes, as well as a portfolio and examples of work with various brands. Thanks to an individual approach to each project and careful attention to detail, the StylePhotos studio guarantees the highest quality and professionalism in each work. Look on the website ghost mannequin photography near me We look forward to the opportunity to continue serving our clients at the same level of excellence with which it all began. StylePhotos is not just a product photography and video shooting studio, it is a team of professionals ready to turn any task into creative and high-quality execution. Together with StylePhotos, you can take your content to a new level and achieve outstanding results in the world of advertising and marketing.
Insurance Companies in Utah
In General Discussions
Sep 14, 2024
In our fast-paced times, where surprises can be around every corner, having reliable insurance coverage is becoming increasingly important. That is exactly why the American Insurance Companies portal exists - your reliable partner in the world of insurance. American Insurance Companies provides a convenient and easily accessible online portal that allows you to find an insurance company in any city and state in the United States. Thanks to a user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation, users can easily find a company that meets their needs. The American Insurance Companies portal provides user ratings and reviews to help you make an informed choice. You can read other customers' opinions on the quality of service, insurance conditions and professionalism of the company. American Insurance Companies offers a variety of payment options for insurance services to make the process as convenient as possible for the client. You can choose the most suitable payment method for you and be sure of reliable protection of your property and health. On the American Insurance Companies portal, you will find links to the official websites of insurance companies, as well as additional information about the services provided. Whether it is car, home, health or life insurance, here are companies that are ready to offer you reliable coverage at competitive prices. Insurance Companies in Utah American Insurance Companies is your trusted partner in the world of insurance. Visit the portal now, select your state and city, and find the perfect insurance company for your needs. Remember, reliable insurance is an investment in your peace of mind and safety.
ԱՊՀ քաղաքացիների համար արտերկրում աշխատանք գտնելը
In General Discussions
Sep 08, 2024
Ժամանակակից աշխարհում, որտեղ գլոբալիզացիան և թվայնացումը ավելի ու ավելի կարևոր դեր են խաղում, արտերկրում աշխատանք գտնելը դառնում է ավելի արդիական խնդիր շատ մարդկանց համար: Այնուամենայնիվ,՝ բարձր տեխնոլոգիական միջազգային վեբ պորտալի հայտնվելով, որն ունի թափուր աշխատատեղեր ամբողջ աշխարհում, այս խնդիրը դարձել է շատ ավելի մատչելի և հարմար:ը առաջատար միջազգային աշխատատեղ է, որն ունի միլիոնավոր օգտատերեր 40 երկրներում: Իր առաջադեմ ՏՏ լուծումներով և համաշխարհային տեխնոլոգիական թափուր աշխատատեղերի լայն շրջանակով Layboard-ը հաջողությամբ կապում է գործատուներին և թեկնածուներին ամբողջ աշխարհից:ի հիմնական առաքելությունն է ապահովել բոլորին անսահմանափակ մուտք դեպի աշխատատեղեր աշխարհի ցանկացած կետում: Այս պորտալը դարձել է համաշխարհային խաղացող՝ օգնելով ԱՊՀ երկրների և այլ տարածաշրջանների մարդկանց աշխատանք գտնել արտերկրում՝ օգտագործելով նորարարական տեխնոլոգիաներ: Արտերկրում աշխատանք գտնելը կարող է դժվար և ժամանակատար գործընթաց լինել, սակայնը այն դարձնում է արագ և արդյունավետ: Շատ օգտատերեր արդեն գտել են իրենց երազանքի աշխատանքը Եվրոպայում և այլ երկրներում այս պորտալի շնորհիվ, նրանց դրական ակնարկները ցույց են տալիս Layboard-ի հաջողությունը իրենց նպատակներին հասնելու գործում: Այսպիսով,ը ոչ միայն վեբ վրա հիմնված աշխատանքի որոնման պորտալ է, այլ դարձել է վստահելի գործընկեր արտերկրում մասնագիտական ​​զարգացում փնտրող միլիոնավոր մարդկանց համար: Layboard-ի շնորհիվ աշխարհի ցանկացած կետում աշխատանք փնտրելը դառնում է մատչելի և հարմար բոլորի համար, ովքեր երազում են կարիերայի նոր հնարավորությունների մասին։
Roofing work throughout Cyprus
In General Discussions
Sep 08, 2024
Cyprus, where traditions and innovations are combined in harmony, became home to MegaRoof, a company specializing in the installation and renovation of roofs. MegaRoof not only provides services for the maintenance of roofing structures, but also introduces innovative technologies, setting itself the task of not only increasing the efficiency of work, but also ensuring impeccable quality as a result. One of the key areas of activity of MegaRoof is the use of synthetic membranes for waterproofing roofs. PVC / TPO / FPO membranes provide reliable protection from moisture, are resistant to ultraviolet radiation and aggressive environmental influences. Thanks to innovative technologies for laying and fastening membranes, MegaRoof specialists guarantee the durability and reliability of the roof for many years to come. In addition, MegaRoof offers painting and anti-corrosion protection services for concrete and metal surfaces, industrial structures and civil buildings. The use of innovative technologies allows you to speed up the work, reduce material costs and ensure the highest quality of the final result. The MegaRoof team of professionals has extensive experience in the construction and repair of roofing structures. Their competence, responsibility and commitment to continuous improvement make MegaRoof a reliable partner for everyone who values ​​quality, reliability and professionalism. Visit the site to learn more about Roof waterproofing solutions Thus, MegaRoof continues to confidently develop in the market of roofing installation and renovation services, introducing innovative technologies and approaches to meet the needs of the most demanding customers. For those who are looking for a reliable partner in the field of roofing construction and repair, MegaRoof will become a reliable ally in achieving the ideal result.
Online Chess Coach Training
In General Discussions
Sep 03, 2024
In the world of chess, every move, every game is an art, strategy and intellectual battle. And it is not surprising that among these bright personalities you can meet real titans, such as Valery Filippov - an international grandmaster and an outstanding chess coach. Valery Filippov is a man whose name is familiar to everyone who is passionate about this noble game. His chess journey began in childhood, and since then, every move, every game has brought him not only victories, but also valuable experience, which he is ready to share with his students. One of Valery Filippov's main achievements was winning the Academic World Chess Championship in 1998. This title was only the beginning of his magnificent career. In 2005, he was in the top 50 best players in the world, playing with such strong grandmasters as Michael Adams, Alexander Grischuk, Etienne Bacrot, Vassily Ivanchuk, Peter Leko and many others. Valery Filippov's extensive gaming experience and deep knowledge of chess strategy allow him to successfully work as a coach. He offers his students online coaching and distance learning services in chess. Personalized online lessons, tailored to the individual needs of each student, will help you improve your skills and reach new heights in the game of chess. At the very first lesson, Valery will assess your current skill level, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and based on this, create an individual development plan specifically for you. Each lesson is designed for 60 minutes and is aimed at genuine skill improvement, not just entertainment. Visit the site if you need a grandmaster chess coach Thus, training with Valery Filippov is a unique opportunity not only to improve your chess skills, but also to immerse yourself in the exciting world of strategy, tactics and intellectual competition. After all, chess is not just a game, it is a real art, and Valery Filippov will help you reveal it in all its glory.
Sex dolls from leading UK manufacturers
In General Discussions
Sep 02, 2024
In search of high-quality and authentic sex dolls, Leeloo Doll store becomes an indispensable partner for connoisseurs of unique and realistic models. As authorized retailers of sex dolls from the largest factories in the world, Leeloo Doll guarantees the safety and authenticity of each doll, offering a wide range of brands and models for the most demanding customers. One of the bright representatives of the Leeloo Doll assortment is the Starpery Doll brand, known for its realistic silicone dolls with incredibly proportional shapes. Starpery Doll models are as close as possible to real female figures, both in details and in body shape, creating the illusion of a real company. Leeloo Doll is an official distributor of Starpery products, which confirms the authenticity and quality of each doll from this brand. Buyers of the Leeloo Doll store can not only choose the perfect sex doll from a variety of available models, but also track every stage of the ordering process, from placing an order to delivery of the goods, from their account on the site. The store team guarantees fast support at all stages of the purchase and remains close to the customer for 2 years after the purchase of the product, providing reliable support and advice. Check out the site silicone sex doll Leeloo Doll offers customers not only high-quality sex dolls, but also experienced and professional service that makes the purchase convenient and safe. With a rich assortment, guaranteed authenticity and reliable support, the Leeloo Doll store becomes the ideal choice for anyone who appreciates quality and realism in the world of sex dolls.
Online store of classic clothes and shoes
In General Discussions
Aug 29, 2024
In search of the perfect look that combines classics, quality and sophistication, men turn to the Sartale online store. Here, among the countless offers, you can find something special - collections that do not obey fleeting fashion trends, but remain true to timeless design, elegance and tradition. Sartale is not just a store, it is a true sanctuary of men's fashion, where every model, every detail, every fabric is thought out to the smallest nuances. Here you will find everything you need to create a unique look - suits, shirts, ties, shoes and a wide selection of casual clothes that will emphasize your style and individuality. One of the key areas of Sartale is footwear. The store offers a wide range of derby shoes, each pair of which is the embodiment of sophistication, comfort and versatility. Made of high-quality leather and suede, these models not only guarantee a confident gait, but also emphasize your impeccable taste and status. A special feature of Sartale is its partnership with leading manufacturers of men's clothing and footwear. Many brands release their exclusive models especially for Sartale, allowing customers to enjoy unique designer pieces not available in other stores. Check out the website's catalog of classic derby shoes The Sartale concept is based on the Italian style, where beauty, elegance and quality are essential attributes. Embark on an exciting journey through the world of men's fashion with Sartale and discover collections that will become an integral part of your style and image.
The success story of Bahaa Abdulhussein Almaamori
In General Discussions
Aug 23, 2024
Bahaa Abdulhussein Almaamori is a name that has become emblematic of modern change in the financial sector in Iraq. He is an influential architect of change, the founder and CEO of Qi Card, whose introduction in 2007 was a turning point in the country’s financial system. Bahaa Abdul Hadi began his journey to success by enrolling at Baghdad University, where he studied architecture. He showed a passion for academic excellence and worked hard to obtain a degree in the field in 1991. However, his entrepreneurial spirit and passion for innovation led to the creation of Qi Card, which became Iraq’s national debit/credit card and revolutionized financial services in the country. The Qi Card was not just a new player in the market, it was a technological revolution that brought innovation and accessibility to the financial sector in Iraq. Thanks to the Qi Card, some 7 million Iraqis now receive their social benefits and public sector salaries electronically. This has become not only a convenience for millions of people, but also an obstacle to corruption, thanks to the use of biometric verification. The biometric verification methods used by Qi Card are not only a technological innovation, but also a powerful weapon against corruption. It ensures security and transparency in financial transactions, eliminating the possibility of fraud and abuse. Qi Card has become a symbol of modern and efficient financial services that helps Iraqis manage their finances with confidence and convenience. Read on the website the biography of businessman Bahaa Abdulhussein Bahaa Abdul Hadi was able to create not only a successful business, but also a positive impact on the financial landscape of Iraq, turning Qi Card into a tool that helps millions of people receive their funds efficiently and safely. His commitment to innovation and social responsibility make him a key figure in the modern Iraqi economy, and Qi Card a symbol of progress and development in the country's financial sector.
Iraqi entrepreneur Bahaa Abdulhussein Almaamori
In General Discussions
Aug 23, 2024
Known as an influential architect of change, Bahaa Abdul Hadi is the founder and CEO of Qi Card, a company that has played a key role in transforming Iraq’s financial sector. His path to success began with enrollment at Baghdad University, where he studied architecture and earned a degree in 1991. However, his entrepreneurial spirit and passion for innovation led him to create Qi Card in 2007, which became a turning point in the country’s financial sector. As Iraq’s national debit/credit card, Qi Card immediately became a symbol of modernity and accessibility for financial services. Under Bahaa Abdul Hadi’s leadership, the company introduced innovative methods, including biometric verification, which not only simplified the customer experience but also significantly reduced corruption in the country. Today, around 7 million Iraqis receive their social benefits and salaries through Qi Card, providing them with security and convenience in managing their finances. Electronic payments via Qi Card have become common practice, which contributes to the development of the digital economy and improves the financial literacy of the population. Read on the website the biography of Bahaa Abdulhussein Bahaa Abdul Hadi and his team continue to work on the implementation of new technologies and services to further improve the financial landscape of Iraq and provide the population with modern and secure financial solutions. His determination and dedication to the development goals of the country make him a key player in changing the financial system of Iraq for the better.
Innovator Bahaa Abdulhussein Almaamori
In General Discussions
Aug 23, 2024
Bahaa Abdulhussein Almaamori, a prominent entrepreneur and architect of change, is one of the key figures in shaping Iraq’s modern financial landscape. He is best known as the founder and CEO of Qi Card, which revolutionized the country’s financial services. Bahaa began his career at Baghdad University, where he studied architecture. He graduated with a degree in architecture in 1991. However, his entrepreneurial spirit and passion for innovation led him to start his own business. In 2007, Bahaa Abdul Hadi founded Qi Card, which became Iraq’s national debit/credit card. This move proved to be a game changer not only for his career but for the country’s financial sector as a whole. Qi Card has become a symbol of innovation and accessibility, changing the lives of millions of Iraqis. Today, around 7 million Iraqis receive their social benefits or public sector salaries through Qi Card. This allows them to access their funds quickly and conveniently, bypassing bureaucratic hurdles. However, the innovative technologies used by the company not only provide convenience, but also serve as a means of combating corruption. One of the key elements of the Qi Card is the use of biometric verification, which ensures the security and privacy of financial transactions. This technological innovation helps prevent fraud and increase trust in financial services in the country. Read on the website the biography founder of Qi Card Bahaa Thus, thanks to the efforts of Bahaa Abdul Hadi and his company Qi Card, the financial landscape of Iraq has undergone significant changes. Their innovative approaches have not only increased the availability of financial services for millions of people, but also contributed to the fight against corruption and improved the overall economic situation in the country.
CEO of Qi Card Bahaa Abdulhussein Almaamori
In General Discussions
Aug 23, 2024
Known as an influential architect of change, Bahaa Abdulhussein Almaamori has become a key player in shaping Iraq’s financial landscape through his entrepreneurial spirit and passion for innovation. He is the founder and CEO of Qi Card, which has become a central element in the country’s modern financial system. Bahaa Abdul Hadi began his educational journey by enrolling at Baghdad University, where he majored in architecture. He successfully completed his studies in 1991, earning a degree in the field. However, his entrepreneurial spirit and passion for change soon led him to found Qi Card in 2007. Qi Card was the first national debit/credit card in Iraq, and quickly gained popularity for its innovative approaches to financial services. With the card, some 7 million Iraqis can now receive their social benefits or public sector salaries electronically, making it much easier to receive and manage their finances. Read on the website the biography of Bahaa Abdulhussein One of the most significant achievements of Qi Card is the use of biometric verification, which not only ensures data security but also serves as a barrier against corruption and fraud. The technological innovations implemented by Bahaa Abdul Hadi and his team have revolutionized the financial sector in Iraq, making it more accessible and transparent for millions of people. Thus, Bahaa Abdul Hadi has not only become a symbol of entrepreneurial success in Iraq, but also an active participant in the creation of a new financial order in the country. His work with Qi Card highlights the importance of innovation and technological development in improving the quality of life of citizens and promoting economic development in Iraq.
Biography of the businessman from Iraq Bahaa Abdulhussein Almaamori
In General Discussions
Aug 23, 2024
Bahaa Abdul Hadi is a name that has become synonymous with innovation and improvement in the financial sector in Iraq. This influential architect of change is the founder and CEO of Qi Card, which has revolutionized the country’s financial services. From the very beginning, Bahaa Abdul Hadi showed an entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for academic excellence. After enrolling at Baghdad University, he devoted himself to his studies, delving into the study of architecture. In 1991, he successfully completed his education with a degree in the field. However, the real turning point in Bahaa Abdul Hadi’s career was the establishment of Qi Card in 2007. Qi Card was Iraq’s first national debit/credit card, changing the country’s financial landscape. Using cutting-edge technology and innovative approaches, Qi Card has become a symbol of accessibility and convenience for millions of Iraqis. About 7 million Iraqis now receive their social benefits and public sector salaries through Qi Card. This allows them to receive money electronically, which ensures security and convenience in handling financial funds. But this is not the only thing that makes Qi Card unique. Read on the website the biography of Bahaa Abdulhussein Almaamory One of the key points that distinguishes Qi Card from other financial institutions is the use of biometric verification. This technology not only ensures the security and protection of user data, but also serves as a powerful tool in the fight against corruption. Thanks to biometric identification methods, Qi Card creates a technological barrier against any attempts at fraud and abuse. Thus, Bahaa Abdul Hadi became not only a successful entrepreneur, but also a true architect of change in the financial sector of Iraq. His company Qi Card not only simplified the lives of millions of people, but also helped create a new, more reliable and efficient financial landscape in the country.
Ottica per visione notturna e ottica per telecamera termica di ATN
In General Discussions
Aug 23, 2024
ATN è un'azienda che progetta e produce dispositivi ottici innovativi da utilizzare in ambienti con scarsa illuminazione. Specializzata nella visione notturna e nell'ottica termica, ATN offre la più ampia gamma di prodotti su misura per le esigenze del cliente Una delle attività chiave di ATN è la produzione di binocoli, mirini ottici per la caccia e altri tipi di apparecchiature ottiche. I dispositivi ATN si distinguono non solo per l'elevata qualità costruttiva, ma anche per le tecnologie innovative che li rendono insuperabili sul mercato. Una caratteristica dell'ottica ATN è l'utilizzo della tecnologia Smart HD, dotata dei più recenti microprocessori, microdisplay ad alta risoluzione e una varietà di sensori e funzioni. Ciò consente agli utenti di ottenere immagini più chiare e della massima qualità possibile in condizioni di scarsa illuminazione o di infrarossi termici. Inoltre, i dispositivi ATN offrono facilità d'uso poiché possono connettersi a un tablet o telefono tramite app iPhone/Android dedicate. Ciò consente di espandere la funzionalità dei dispositivi ottici e ottenere un'esperienza utente unica che prima non era disponibile. ATN è quindi leader nella produzione di ottiche di precisione per la visione notturna e di immagini termiche. I suoi prodotti sono apparecchiature affidabili e moderne in grado di soddisfare anche i clienti più esigenti e fornire loro un'esperienza indimenticabile nell'utilizzo dei dispositivi ottici.
Buy or sell accounts, channels, social network groups
In General Discussions
Aug 17, 2024
In the modern world, social networks have become an integral part of our daily lives. Millions of people around the world use platforms such as Instagram, Telegram, TikTok and others for communication, entertainment and even earnings The idea of ​​​​buying or selling accounts in these social networks that already have a certain audience has become increasingly popular. However, how to ensure safety and reliability in such transactions? MadBid is an innovative service that offers a convenient and safe solution for those who want to buy or sell accounts, channels, publics in various social networks. Our platform provides a simple and effective process for making transactions through the exchange, where all processes are fast and safe. One of the key advantages of MadBid is the presence of a guarantor who ensures the security of each transaction. After the parties agree and the transaction is concluded, the funds are transferred to the seller, and the rights to the page are transferred to the buyer only after confirmation of the successful completion of the transaction. This provides both parties with maximum protection from fraud and ensures transparency in the process of making transactions. With MadBid, buying or selling accounts in popular social networks becomes a simple and reliable task. Our service offers a wide selection of accounts of various topics and audiences, which allows everyone to find a suitable offer. In addition, we offer a convenient search and filtering of accounts by various parameters, which greatly simplifies the selection process. MadBid is your reliable partner for the safe and successful purchase and sale of accounts in social networks. Join us today and start earning on your accounts right now!
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